句子互动围绕微信生态为客户提供的智能营销和销售的SaaS工具,帮助企业搭建安全稳定的私域流量池,为企业赋能,大幅度增强其获客、用户粘性和销售转化的能力,助力企业客户引流并实现转化,客户覆盖教育、保险、大健康等多个领域,包括京东金融、腾讯广告、美团点评、神州数码、作业帮等, 其中 80% 的客户来自口碑传播,每天提升 100 万人次的销售体验。
先后获得 PreAngel、Plug and Play、Y Combination、TSVC(清谷资本)和阿尔法公社等多家中美机构天使投资。
- 2017 年入选百度AI加速器,并于次年和百度联手打造《从0到1搭建聊天机器人》智能对话平台(UNIT)系列课程
- 2018 年荣获 CCFA 零售技术新锐企业奖
- 2019 年成为腾讯云智能对话平台合作伙伴
- 2018、2019 年分别在中国中文信息学会举办的SMP中文人机对话技术评测中,荣获了任务型人机对话回复自然度第一名,和闲聊型人机对话测评第一名的好成绩
- 2020 年入选 Facebook 加速器
公司文化中拥有浓厚的开源精神,相信通过互联网开放式协作可以构建更美好的世界。是 Github 上 7,000+ Stars 知名开源 Chatbot 项目 Wechaty 的黄金赞助伙伴,基于开源项目 Wechaty 运营了一个覆盖全球最具影响力的微信机器人开发者社区,覆盖上万名开发者,其中很多来自于 Microsoft、Google、腾讯等百余家巨头高科技企业,地区分布在美国、欧洲、中国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、中国香港、中国台湾国家和地区。
English Version
1. Juzibot Introduction
JuziBot is a startup that provides smart marketing and sales services for customers on WeChat and WeCom platforms, the company helps companies build secure and stable Private Traffic, as well as helps corporate clients with customer acquisition and sales conversion. JuziBot currently serves customers in education, consumer, healthcare, and a few other industries, some of the clients include Meituan Dianping, JingDong, L’Oréal, etc., and 80% of these existing customers have been acquired through word of mouth. JuziBot’s products have been known to improve the sales experience for one million sales professionals on a daily basis.
The company was accepted by the highly competitive Baidu AI accelerator in 2018, and it has also been invested by a number of leading VCs including PreAngel, Plug and Play, Y Combinator, TSVC, and Alpha Startups. JuziBot received the CCFA Retail Technology Rising Enterprise Award in 2018. In 2018 and 2019, respectively, the company won 1st place in both the task-based human-machine dialogue response naturalness and the chat-type human-machine dialogue assessment in the SMP Chinese Human-Machine Dialogue Technology Evaluation held by the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPSC).
2. Business problem we solved
You can find our 2 minutes speech in YC Demo Day show our business on top of Wechaty in 2019. (We changed our name from BotOrange to Juzibot, but all of the two brands belong to us.)
We are Intercom for WeChat, we help companies to acquire, engage and retain customers via WeChat. In China, WeChat IS the internet. Most Chinese people, they even never open a web browser, they only use WeChat. But WeChat offers no tools for companies to manage their customers. There is no Google Analytics, there is no salesforce, there is no intercom. There is nothing. But they need a tool.
We built a customer management tool for WeChat based on WeCom. It is very similar to Intercom. It provides a customer support ticket, includes a chatbot, and provides analytics to the business.
We give Chinese companies the ability to communicate with their customers where they live their life - on WeChat.